I've always wanted to try spaghetti squash but most of the recipes I see are meatless. I like meat. So with that said, I kept it on the healthy side and...
The best part about this cheesy spaghetti squash recipe is that you can substitute any vegetables you have on hand. This is very easy and a lower-carb...
Because a spaghetti squash is difficult to cut through when uncooked, we found that roasting it whole is the easiest way to prepare it for this spaghetti...
Chicken and delicious fresh veggies lightly cooked and served over spaghetti squash. I came up with this trying to vary the usual weekday fare. It was...
Spaghetti squash makes this meatless lasagna bake healthy and gluten free! Full of flavor and easy to put together for a main vegetarian meal or a hearty...
Try this sophisticated take on spaghetti squash when you need a gluten-free dinner party side. Tossing the squash strands with brown butter and topping...
Not too many people would know this pie is not made with coconut, but actually uses spaghetti squash. I wasn't sure what to do with a bumper crop of spaghetti...
A nice twist to an Italian casserole. This is one of those meals I made with the ingredients I had on hand. My family loved it and had me make more. I...
A delicious alternative to pasta! This dish combines roasted spaghetti squash with sauteed asparagus, onions, garlic, and goat cheese, finished with fresh...
A delicious alternative to pasta! This dish combines roasted spaghetti squash with sauteed asparagus, onions, garlic, and goat cheese, finished with fresh...
This is a great low-carb dish for those who choose not to eat regular pasta. The flavor of the squash is very subtle and with the addition of the marinara...
A delicious alternative to pasta! This dish combines roasted spaghetti squash with sauteed asparagus, onions, garlic, and goat cheese, finished with fresh...
This was certainly the hit of the party. I served this paleo pasta primavera with my paleo pork roast loin and it disappeared right in front of me! Keep...
A delicious alternative to pasta! This dish combines roasted spaghetti squash with sauteed asparagus, onions, garlic, and goat cheese, finished with fresh...
Not too many people would know this pie is not made with coconut, but actually uses spaghetti squash. I wasn't sure what to do with a bumper crop of spaghetti...
This is an Italian meal especially constructed with the winter months in mind. When fresh is hard to find, this is a great tasting light meal to take the...
Roasting garlic alongside the spaghetti squash makes double use of the oven time, and adds double the flavor. This spaghetti squash is great on its own,...
If you like spaghetti, you'll love this dish! An easy, no-hassle recipe that goes great with a tossed salad and garlic bread. Eat them right out of the...
If you like spaghetti, you'll love this dish! An easy, no-hassle recipe that goes great with a tossed salad and garlic bread. Eat them right out of the...
If you like spaghetti, you'll love this dish! An easy, no-hassle recipe that goes great with a tossed salad and garlic bread. Eat them right out of the...
A delicious alternative to pasta! This dish combines roasted spaghetti squash with sauteed asparagus, onions, garlic, and goat cheese, finished with fresh...